Forts of India: A Picture Book on Forts in India
Soul of the Soil: The Tribes of Odisha
The Mahabharata of Krishna - Dwaipayana Vyasa (Translated into English Prose From the Original Sanskrit Text) (In 12 Volumes)
Fire in the Soul: The Art of P R Daroz
Compendium of Crop Improvement Vol 4: Plant Biotechnology
Compendium of Crop Improvement Volume 3: Plant Breeding
Compendium of Crop Improvement Volume 2. Cytogenetics
Compendium of Crop Improvement Volume 1: Genetics
Banaras: The Atlas of the 21st Century
Northern India in the Late Nineteenth Century: Quality of Life, Volume I, Part II (A, B, C): 1880s-1890s
Flowering Plants of Province No. 1 (East Nepal)
Yogacara Vasubandhu’s Phenomenological Idealism: A Buddhist Theory of Consciousness
The Kalacakra Tantra, Volume II, Translation, Annotation and Commentary
Coins of India: Circa 6th Century BC-2022 AD based on Indian American Numismatist Dr Navin C Shah's Coin Collection
New Dimensions of Indian Art and Iconography: Felicitation Volume in Honour of Dr Umesh Chandra Dwivedi (In 2 Volumes)
Archaeological Iinvestigations in the Ganga Plain (2005-17)
Art Evolves: Nepali Modern Art
Gandhara Sculpture of the Patna Museum
Studies in Ancient Indian coins
Contours of Identity
Ananda Coomaraswamy: Reconstructing Post-Independence Indian Art History
Homage to Mahadev: Ancient Shiv Temples of Himachal Pradesh
Forts of Tamil Nadu: A Walk-Through
Sufi Music: Through the Eye of Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
Indian Music Therapy: From Aesthetics to Therapeutics
World as Woman: Music and Goddess
The Arts of the Kharak: Community and Crafts of Their Region-Sourashtra
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