Barasa Anuvekkha of Kundakunda: Twelve Facets of Reality
Presence as Marked by Absence
Celebrating Four Decades of Dalit Theology
Penal Sanctions of Suspension, Demotion to a Lower Degree and and Deposition of Clerics and Thire Penal Trial
Wombness: A reflective in-depth reading of the Good Samaritan narrative
The Pastoral Care of the Christian Faithful of a Different Church Sui Iuris
Marriage: Doctrine and Jurisprudence
I am Black, But Beautiful: A Thematic, Literary, and Intertextual Reading of the Beauty, Power and Sacredness of Femininity in the Song of Songs
Joyful Discipleship: Integrating Positive Psychology in Priestly and Religious Formation
The Shepherd Motif in Ezekiel 34:1–16
Carmelite Missionaries on the Malabar Coast (1773-1802
Liberation: Spiritual Centre and Social Peripheries
Ramayan in Human Physiology: Discovery of the Eternal Reality of the Ramayan in the Structure and Function of Human Physiology
The Glorious Quran: English Translation with Annotations Based on Earliest Authoritative Sources
The Purusottama-Jagannatha Temple of Puri: A Study on It's History and Conservation
Engraved Epic: Early Bengal Prints of Ramayana
Sikh Struggle Documents 1920-2022
The Sikh Religion: Its Gurus, Sacred Writings and Authors (6 Volumes in 3 Parts)
Mystical Chidambaran: The Golden Stage of Nataraja
The Pashtun Tahafuz Movement: Forced Disappearances, Military Courts Violation of Fair Trials and War Crimes in Waziristan
Confluence of India and Central Asia through the Ages
Against the Mughals: Dreams and Wars of Dattū Sarvānī, a Sixteenth-Century Indo-Afghan Soldier
Encounters with Jogis in Indian Sufi Hagiography
Clio Revisits Calliope: A Historian s Excursion to the Kavya Literature
Treasures of Tapti Valley and Burhanpur from Early Period to Mughal Period
The Weights of Laos and the Mekong Region
Srimad Ramayanam by Maharishi Valmiki
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