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Towards Naiskarmya: Suresvaracarya on the Method of Vedanta

Alexander Pereverzev (Author) Monograph Series

The book explores the polemics between two rival schools of Indian philosophy Advaita Vedanta and Mimamsa regarding the method of attaining liberation. It focuses on the contribution made to this protracted debate by Suresvara, one of the direct disciples of Sankara. The polemics with Mimamsa especially on the question of the possibility and necessity of attaining liberation and the means to be employed in the process occupies an important place in Suresvara’s oeuvre. He returns to this debate time and again in the process of his long exegetical career and discusses it at considerable length in both his commentaries on the works of his master as well as his only independent treatise.

A prolific writer and a devout Advaitin who spent his life serving the cause of his master and propagating and developing his vision of Vedanta, Suresvara is an extraordinary but often overlooked figure in the history of Indian thought.

Drawing on all authentic works of Suresvara, the author puts together whatever this able student of Sankara has to say on the epistemology of Advaita and the methodology of attaining the final realization attempting to reconstruct the method of Advaita as conceived and propounded by Suresvara.

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Bibliographic information

Title Towards Naiskarmya: Suresvaracarya on the Method of Vedanta
Format Hardcover
Date published: 31.12.2015
Edition 1st. ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789381574324
length ix+406p., 22cm.