Integral Rural Development: A Rural Transformation Experiment by Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry
SARVAM (Sri Aurobindo Rural & Village Action & Movement), the rural development unit of Sri Aurobindo Society in Pondicherry has put into practice an innovative concept in rural development which we call 'Integral Rural Development'. It fascinates development professionals for two reasons. One, it provides a spiritual perspective to rural development practice. In other words, the approach aims at bringing about rural development that is human-spirit centric, rather than narrowing it down to the conventional economic senses. The second reason is SARVAM has actually implemented the concept of integral rural development on the ground in Tamil Nadu. It is not just a concept on paper or in mind. What rural transformation has taken place through this innovative approach to rural development is what this book is about. It also explains for the benefit of those who want to emulate this model, the process adopted and the principles that emerge. In fact, it might be considered as a new frontier in rural development practice, pushing the edges of development literature to newer horizons.
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R. Ramesh