Advance Medical Astrology
Advance Medical Astrology is a vital guide for all as how to live with a sound body and mind. In this invaluable book there are food therapy, aroma therapy, colour therapy, herbal cure through homoeopathy, cure through gems etc according to the planetary position of t he native concerned. The advance student of astrology will also find this book very useful in boosting their knowledge bank.
This book is very brilliant, very stimulating, is a sumptuous meal that will whet the appetites of millions of common man and astrologers for maintaining an excellent health without medicines. It is profusely illustrated with100 practical horoscopes, which should help the practicing astrologers to predict accurately in view of the latent principles of health and diseases coined by the author Dr S.S Chatterjee. It should be preserved in all the libraries of the world and should also find a place in each house in India /Abroad. This book has been tailored using multi-disciplinary knowledge for the benefit of mankind. In order to restore the lost glory of astrology, Dr. S.S. Chatterjee has written this present book with latest scientific touch. We can easily overcome many dangerous diseases using proper diet, herbs, fruits ad vegetables and through yoga techniques. Foods harm and the same foods heal. Leucoderma, skin diseases, aids, cancer, plague, stomach ulcers, going astray through drug addiction, piles, constipation, cholera, malaria, beriberi, dengue etc occur for using wrong food habits and unawareness a out the climatic impact on health and dieases. Physical strength of body and mind is the indispensable factor for carrying out one’s duties and the acquisition of knowledge, wealth, and happiness. Health is wealth. By eating large quantities of multi-coloured fruits products one can live upto 80 years without visiting hospitals. Complicated diseases such as lunacy, schizophrenia, asthma, thalassaemia, heart diseases, impotency, anaemia, miggaine, severe back pain, epilepsy, diabetes, amputation of limbs etc occur due to our past sins of eh previous life. According to our sages. Meaning sins of past lives bother us n the form of diseases, which can be ameliorated by medicines, donations, Japa and Homa .The seven essential ingredients of the body are: body, marrow, flesh, bone, semen, sinews and fat are actually controlled by the seven planets. Man has been sad to be an “Epitome of ht Universe”, Minutest principles of Sun, Stars and planets in the solar system are in him in a fixed proportion. Robust health results in their equilibrium. When the harmony is disturbed by the slightest change in the proportion of the innumerable elements, diseases result. Rays emanating from the various planets have been found producing different vitamins necessary for t he healthy growth of living beings. The author has tested the thousands of golden subtle rules framed by our seers in real life. He has explained the mechanisms of complicated diseases with the golden rules of astrology and modern scientific outlook. The author has put much stress on remedial measures. This book is an encyclopedia of information for maintaining an excellent health even in adverse circumstances. Infant mortality can never be eliminated, because longevity is controlled by God. Those who have benefics in angles and malefic in 3rd /11th house live long. This book is profusely illustrated with 100 practical examples Dr. Chatterjee’s book contain some currents, which forces the readers to read his books contain some currents, which forces the readers to read his books thoroughly. This book should be preserved in each library and in each individual house of India and abroad. It has been tailored using multi-disciplinary knowledge and will be useful to each and every body.
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