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Biblical Foundations of Scripturally Based Spiritual Revival in the Church: Twenty Eight Textual Sermons on Revivals and Reforms and Rev. John Wesley's Theology of 'the New Birth'

Daniel D. Rupwate (Author)

The writer of this book has selected twenty eight texts from the Bible in order to explain the ideas of revivals among believers in Jesus Christ and social reforms in the society. This book has helpful suggestions at the end chapter for planning devotional service around these themes.

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Bibliographic information

Title Biblical Foundations of Scripturally Based Spiritual Revival in the Church: Twenty Eight Textual Sermons on Revivals and Reforms and Rev. John Wesley's Theology of 'the New Birth'
Format Softcover
Date published: 31.12.2015
Edition 1st. ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788184654950
length xiv+337p., 25cm.