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Action-Research Studies to Improve Classroom Practices: An Anthology

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About the authors

S. Dandapani

Dr. S. Dandapani, retired as Professor of Educational Psychology from the Regional College of Education, Mysore (NCERT) after three decades of teaching graduate and post-graduate students besides guiding Ph.D. scholars. He graduated from Presidency College, Madras with M.A. (Psy.) in 1954, had teachers’ Training (B.Ed.) in 1956 from Anamalai University, received Fulbright Scholarship to study in the University of Hawaii, USA under the East-West Centre Exchange Programme (M.Ed.) in 1961-63 and received his Ph.D. in Education (Guidance) in 1976 from the University of Mysore. Before joining the Regional College of Education, Mysore, he worked as a Faculty Member in Government Colleges of Education in Tamil Nadu for six years. A recipient of National Awards from the NCERT under the Research Seminar Readings Programme on four occasions, he practiced several innovative methods of instruction and evaluation. He has published a few books on Psychology and Education for beginners and is a regular contributor of articles on Education to the leading newspapers and educational magazines. His book entitled Advanced Educational Psychology has been widely acclaimed.

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P. Padmanabham

Dr. P. Padmanabham, senior professor, Chairman Board of Studies, Computer science Engineering and Information technology at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological university, hyderabad, has 30 years experience of teaching. He has authored another book called “C programming and data Structures”.

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Bibliographic information

Title Action-Research Studies to Improve Classroom Practices: An Anthology
Format Hardcover
Date published: 02.06.2016
Edition 1st. ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788183166874
length xv+126p., 23cm.