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Crime Against Working Women

Prabhat Chandra Tripathy (Author)
Synopsis "There has been an alarming rise in criminal exploitation of women in recent years with the working women being the main scape goats. This is a socio-legal efforts to unveil the status of women down the ages and the evolution and diversification of crimes against them. The status of Indian women as per the Indian Constitution and the women oriented policies, programmes, legislations and judicial interpretations are also discussed. The book tries to unearth the reasons behind criminal exploitation of women. Shockingly the findings of Dr. Tripathy point out, although the number of women in work places has increased, yet their position in the society remains the same. An analysis of the various crimes against working women as well house-wives finds a place, along with legal suggestions and preventive measures that can eradicate them."
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May, 19, 2024

Very Good book for law students

Bibliographic information

Title Crime Against Working Women
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.1998
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8170249899
length viii+391p., Figures; 23cm.