Jyotish: Parashar Code of Prediction Bhava and Yoga Analysis Based on Ten Prime Classics
This book is written with two objectives. First to emphasise that the subject matter of jyotish as described by Parasara, Varaha Mihira and others is to decipher the karma Phala (Luck) of the native that is the effect of an individual’s actions done in past life. It is similar to cause and effect theory application in physical science. This effect is not” caused by relative positions of the Moon, Sun and Stars” as given in English Dictionaries.
Three constant factors used as tools are the saved planed of the solar system, 28 Nakshatras and Lagna as described in Vedange Jyotish. The traits of planets are symbolically derived from Vedic Mantras recited in performance of Yajnas, Proper reference from Vedas are give. Similarly signification of Bhavas are symbolically adopted from “jyotish Bawachebavan” Stutras of Brahma-sutras. Variable factors are nit fixed. These are 12 as per Yavana.
Second objection is to present relevant data one place featuring in ten texts, viz., Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, Brihat Jataka, Saravali, Sarvarth Chintamani, Jataka Parijata, Maan Sagari Paddahati, Jataka Sara Deepa, Phala Deepika, Hora Ratnam and Phalit Vikasa, under Study with proper references. A sincere effort has been made for reconciling conflicting views.
Thus, the book is ten-in-one study-first of its kind in predictive astrology in modern times. The reader will have the benefits of ten classical texts logically interpreted and arranged it this book.
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