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Astronomy and Mathematical Astrology

Deepak Kapoor (Author) Vedic Astrology Series

Our classical texts on astrology state that one who knows this science, is truthful, well versed in mathematics, Vedas, mantras and tantras can only be an astrologer capable of correctly predicting the future. Astrology was therefore divided into two main parts-Ganita Jyotisha (mathematical astronomy and astrology) and Phalita Jyotisha (predictive astrology). This book deals with the Ganita Jyotisha, so very essential to lay the foundation on which the edifice of Phalita Jyotisha can be built.

A complete work on Astronomy relevant to Astrology and a scientific study of casting of horoscope and divisional charts with vimshottari dasha, bhavas, upgrahas, panchanga, graha bala and bhava bala etc.

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Bibliographic information

Title Astronomy and Mathematical Astrology
Author Deepak Kapoor
Format Softcover
Date published: 31.12.2011
Edition 1st. ed.
Publisher Vinita Kapoor
Language: English
isbn 819010473X
length 240p., 22 B/W Illustrations; 8.5 inch x 5.5 inch