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Social Action And Non-Violence

R.K. Gupta (Author)

This book presents a collection of essays. Among other things: (1) it tries to determine the nature of a social action and that of violent and non-violent actions; (2) it examines the claim of satyagraha as a non-violent method of action; (3) it deals with various violent and non-violent actions; and (4) it argues in favour of there being animal rights, and brings to light the view of Gandhi about the place of animals in his scheme of sarvodaya which is in keeping with what has been said here about animal rights.

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About the author

R.K. Gupta

Shri R.K. Gupta, is a disciple of one of the greatest saints of the Naqshbandi Order Thakur Ram Singh Ji, an officer in the Police Department of the erstwhile Jaipur State, who earned his livelihood by the sweat of his brow and reared his family. During his lifetime itself he had become a legendary figures because of his honesty and sincerity, and devotion to his Master Mahatma Ram Chandra ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh, UP. Born in 1950, the author had the fortune to visit his Master at the young age of 15 years, when his father, Dr. Chandra Gupta, took him to the pious feet of Thakur Ram Singh Ji. A man of few words, Thakur Ram singh ji left a deep impression and sowed the seed of Love in the heart of the author, in the first sight itself. The author spend his formative years from 1966 to 1970 under the gracious auspices of Thakur Ram Singh Ji and thereafter under Dr. Chandra Gupta, his father, who also was a great Sufi Master.

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Bibliographic information

Title Social Action And Non-Violence
Author R.K. Gupta
Format Hardcover
Date published: 31.12.1995
Edition 1st. ed.
Language: English
isbn 8185636176
length 138p., 8.8" X 5.8"