Crossing the Laxman Rekha: Diasporic Women and Their Struggles for Autonomy
The Laxman Rekha, Which sets limits on Women's behavior, has become a metaphor for proper womanly conduct with hindu religious context. Historically, there has been a general consensus regarding the necessity of setting such limits. But where exactly the limits should be not clearly specified since it is subject to change according to time, place and context. This is Where the notion of negotiating boundaries become important. As India has changed over time, the policies and practices pertaining to gender relations have changed also. But the need to specify boundries is reiterated over and over again.
Women have always struggled to stretch these boundaries to enjoy more autonomy. This book is about a Women's struggles to transcend constraints placed on her behavior. is also draws parallels of struggles of other Women to the author's struggles both the pains and pleasures of living at a time when tremendom changes were taking place both in India and Canada which were exciting but difficult in negotiarions and the price they have to pay in case they flaunt the limits varies in each case.
The author recounts several efforts to question systems of inequlities both in India and Canada by enlightened leadership and bring about changes in the legal framework. but the centuries old belief systerm that define the way we live are resilient. She show how inequalities have become systemic and are rountunely reproduced in our daily mundane activities and behavioral patterns. In this effort she draws upon her lived experiences of more than sixty years isn this book.
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