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Philosophy and the Social Problem

Will Durant (Author)

Are you in teaching or a student, in politics or in any profession of your liking or even a businessman? The famous author of this book describes how western philosophy can solve your problems. He explains how Socrates shows us to use Bacon to reconcile Plato and Nietzsche with the ideas of Spinoza to solve your social problems. One rarely comes across such a frank and honest examination of social problems that we face even today and how an understanding of western philosophy can come to our rescue.

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About the author

Will Durant

Will Durant was born in 1885 at North Adams, Mass. He received his education in the Catholic parochial schools of North Adms. Mass., and Kearney, N.J.: at St. Peter’s (Jesuit) college, Jersey City; and at Columbia University, New York. In 1913, he gave himself overto graduate studies at Columbia University, specializing in biology under Morgan and Calkins, and in philosophy under Woodbridge and Dewy. He received the Ph.D. degree there in 1917, and taught philosophy at Columbia University for one year. He toured Europe in 1927; went around the world for a study of Egypt, the Near East, India, China and Japan in 1930; and circled the globe again in 1932 to visit Japan, Manchuria, Siberia and Russia.

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Bibliographic information

Title Philosophy and the Social Problem
Author Will Durant
Format Hardcover
Date published: 09.07.2016
Edition Reprint.
Language: English
isbn 9789381709931
length 177p., 23cm.