Tales from the Devayana: The Untold Epic of India
The book is an attempt to popularise the unknown epic, Devayana by Dr. Hajari. With unique stories as a result of direct divine inspiration as described by the poet at the beginning of the epic, Devayana is a collection with messages about gods and heroes. It also deals with the origin and creation of the universe and the history of the world during the four ages recognised by Hinduism. Dr. Hazari, a homeopathic doctor in the Aurobindo Ashram at Puducherry, presents herein stories of the Indian legendary king of lunar dynasty, Bharat, King Janmejaya’s encounter with Kali and the snake sacrifice of the king, stories on the Pandavas, Jaratkaru and the wandering rishi, and the account of Vasudeva visiting Aurobindo in prison, among others.
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