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Population in South Asia

Satish Tiwari (Author)
Synopsis The current young age structures of Asian population simply continued population growth in virtually all countries in the region. Future increases in population will be smaller than they have been in past forty years. They remain large in absolute terms, and will often be accompanied by substantial shifts in age structure as well as geographic distribution. Realising the negative effect of rapid population growth on development, the South Asian countries have launched family planning programmes in a large scale. Properly planned population education programmes need to be introduced at various levels so that when young people marry, they are fully aware of their responsibility to themselves, to future generations land to society.
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Bibliographic information

Title Population in South Asia
Author Satish Tiwari
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2000
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Rajat Publications
Language: English
isbn 8187317507
length 282 p.