The Philosophy of Evolution
From the preface: In present compemium of ideas on the philosophy of evolution Stanley Sessions set the tune of discussions in Darwinian perspective. Dr. Rossi is exploring the co evolution of brain, mind and consciousness from the stand point of neuroscience. Chris King examines the phenomenal nature of subjective consciousness to elucidate a possible biophysical basis for its existence. Ruggero Rapparani aims to understand how the physical neural processes going on in the brain give rise to the sum of feelings that we call mind. Sreenivasa Rao reminds us of the Buddhist view of consciousness, while Libb Thims asserts that life is a defunct scientific theory and consciousness has no physical basis, Ted thinks that everything in the universe is conscious. Sekhar thinks that consciousness is the property of living beings only. John Patrick explores the possibility of developing unified theory of evolution, an attempt to reconcile entropy and evolution. Shajan Mathew explores an explanation for evolution alternate to Darwin's theory.
Arunachalam explores Homo gene pool and its connection with Gondwanaland crescent. Kaushlendra reviews human migration and formation of social groups of India alive problem. Aery explains domestication of plants and evolution of agriculture. Evans thinks of modulation of human evolution towards non killing societies. Finally, Purohit reviews the diversified research interests in evolutionary biology.
The fact that the theory of evolution of Darwin survived for 150 years tells about its robustness or fitness. However, the opening up of consciousness studies in the scientific arena is bound to review the understanding of evolution and in that newer explanations may be demanded.
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Bibliographic information
K. Srinivas
N.C. Aery
A.K. Purohit