The Philosophical Ideas of Swami Abhedananda
Swami Abhedananda was born in Calcutta on October 2, 1866. He was one of the direct disciples of Sree Ramakrishna Paramaham-sadeva and the spiritual brother of the Great Swami Vivekananda.
Swami Abhedananda was conferred with the honourable Ph.D. Degree by the University of California, Berkeley, sometimes in 1901-1902. He was also offered the honorary Chair of Sanskrit in the California University, which he refused with honour. Besides these, the Swami delivered series of lectures in the Universities of Columbia, Brooklyn, Harvard, and Cornwell, and everywhere he captured the minds of the scholars and students.
From 1897 to 1921, Swami Abhedananda lectured all over London and the United States of America, Canada and in different Cotinents, and in 1921 he finally returned to India, his motherland. The Swami entered into the eternal bliss on the 8th September,1939.
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