The Unveiled Christ of the Indian Gurus: A Study on the Contemporary Gurus' Interpretations of Jesus Christ
The book is about the modern Indian gurus' interpretation of Jesus Christ. A number of contemporary Indian gurus and their interpretations of Jesus Christ are studied with special reference to the four modern Indian gurus, namely, Yogananda Paramhansa, Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Osho Rajneesh and Sri Sri Ravishankar. Sincere attempt is made to understand how they interpret the person, work and teaching of Jesus, the Christ. Related issues, such as, the origin and development of modern Guruism with its distinctive characters, and Jesus in the thought of modern Hindu reformers and Neo-Vedantins are also dealt comprehensively. The reader of this book will meet the `Unveiled Christ' of the Indian gurus, as Indian spiritual masters revealed the Jesus they knew.
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