Managing Human Resource
Mobilization of human resource is gaining importance to organizations in the new regime of WTO, liberalization and globalization in an open market economy. Human beings are assets treated the right way and can no longer be taken for granted or ignored as a mere tool in the process of customer satisfaction. The book is a practical guide to the mobilization of human resource that can make a big difference to the fortune of any organization. The book is divided into 12 chapters covering a few aspects of the human resource mobilization. The author stresses on the importance of focusing on individuals and for managers to understand the human side of the enterprise. The only consistency of a person is his inconsistency, which throws up a challenge to the skills of managers. Unless a management understands the WIIFM factor mobilization of the human potential for the well being of the organization becomes difficult. The significant features of the book are: A step-by-step approach to the topics; Inclusion of case studies; Simple explanations to complex topics; Jargon-free, easy-to-understand style without confusing the reader with too much technical and esoteric terms or explanations. The book is indispensable for students of HRD, managemenet and quality management for the practical approach to the subject of mobilizing human resource. It is expected that even HRD professionals will find useful tips in the topics and case studies discussed. Due to the simple style, those interested in human relations may find the book interesting and informative. Managers who would like to understand the art or science of dealing with human beings might get useful inputs to improve the quality of interface with their people.
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