Astanga Hrdaya of Vagbhata: Sutrasthana and Maulika Siddhanta
Ayurveda is now universal and has spread to every corner of the world necessitating the publication of important Ayurveda texts with English translation. The big trio and the small triobrhatrayi and laughtrayi are important and popular workds of Ayurveda. Caraka Samhita, susruta Samhita and Astanga Hrdaya are called brhatrayi. These classic works deal in detail with the fundamental principles, philosophical background and theoretical aspects of ayurveda and among the three. Caraka Samhita and susruta deal with stress on general medicine Kayacikitsa and surgery salya respectively. The third Astanga hrdaya deals with all the eight branches of Ayurveda with details required for Ayurveda scholars and practitioners. While Caraka Samhita and susruta Samhita are in a mixture of prose and verse, Astanga hrdaya is in verse facilitating memorization. It has been very popular throughout India and also in other countries since its compilation. There are more than fifty commentaries in Sanskrit on Astanga Hrdaya, apart from those in regional languages showing its popularity, theoretical and practical value. The presentation of topics is neither too brief nor too elaborate and is appreciated by all.
Astanga Hrdaya is divided into six sections sthanas. I. Sutrasthana dealing with theoretical Principles. 2. Sarirasthana anatomy. 3. Nidana –diagnosis. 4. Cikitsa-treatment of general diseases. 5. Kalpasiddhi of recipes. Purificatory procedures etc. 6. Uttarasthana remaining seven branches. Thus all the subjects of Ayurveda are dealt with in 120 chapters in a lucid manner without complicated arguments and discussions.
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