Unknown Masterpieces of Indian Folk and Tribal Art: From the Personal Collection of K.C. Aryan
K.C. Aryan's Home of Folk, Tribal and Neglected Art houses one of the richest and most superb collections, built at great personal sacrifice by him, its founder-chairman. An internationally renowned modern artist of India, Aryan's penchant for rural and tribal artistic heritage was inborn. Alive to its aesthetic and intrinsic merit at the very outset, he ranks amongst the foremost pioneers who gave away their all for this cause. Had K.C. Aryan not built up this vast collection over seven decades, had he not drawn the world's attention to them through his valuable books such as Indian Folk Bronzes (originally published as Folk Bronzes of North-Western India in 1973) and numerous monographs on the subject, this priceless heritage would have been irretrievably lost.
If today, the world is aware of India's rural and tribal artifacts, the sole credit for this goes to K.C. Aryan's single-handed efforts and single-minded devotion. The present volume is a homage to his lifelong struggle, his versatile genius and his unparalleled vision.
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Bibliographic information
B.N. Aryan