Archaeological Heritage of Rigvedic Saraswati
The present book "Archaeological Heritage of Rigvedic Saraswati" is based on the fact that the Harappan Civilization represents the first urban civilazation in South Asia. Recent investigations have show that the number of sites of this civilization on the banks of Rigvedic Saraswati River and its tributaries is far greater than those on the Indus River.
The Saraswati River, along with its tributaries, such as the Drishadwati, etc., enjoyed great fame and prestige during the Vedic times. The Vedic Civilization our Heritage-may be therefore, considered as a gift the Rigvedic Saraswati.
The objectives of the present book are the understand the folowing points:
1. Geographical extent of Vedic and Harappan Civilization; 2. Role of Saraswati in the growth and prosperity of Vedic and Harappan Civilization; 3. Relation between Vedic and Harappan Civilization (material culture study); 4. Causes of dawn and devolution of Vedic/Harappan Civilizations; and 5. The evolution and continuity of Indian heritage from Regvedic-Harappan times.
To meet the above objectives a detailed examination of all the facts acilable through various published souures in Archaeological, Literature, Geological, Geographical field, etc., have been collected and discussed, by dividing the book into seven chapters.
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Archana Asthana