Resource Management in New Millennium
This boo “Resource Management in New Millennium” sits well in the literature with an informed consideration and informing presentation of the appropriateness of the level and manner of natural resource-use and the role of technology in changing the patterns of that use.
Regarding the role of the United Nations in encouraging regional grouping for stabilizing international political situation, it has been observed that it was one of the major policy objectives of the UNO in South East Asia that effective regional groupings are a practical political possibility for mutual security against external aggression/armed attack.
Taking a cue from the current spurt of development emerging from trans border connectivity and trade in south western Chinese province of Yunnan the proposed study will try to examine the possibility of ushering similar developmental trend in the North Eastern Region of India through cross border trade and connectivity with China, Bangladesh and Myanmar as the NER of India shares not only common international boundaries but also traditional trade routes and civilizational linkages with these countries.
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Bibliographic information
Ershad Ali
Divinia C. Chavez
Kenneth E. Jackson