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Handbook of Equine Practitioner

R K Dedar (Editor) A.P. Singh (Editor) Sanjay Ravi (Editor) Yashpal (Editor) R.A. Legha (Editor) Sanjay Kumar (Editor)

This book is compiled to provide key information of equine field to the equine veterinarians. Focus of the book is common equine health problems occurring in tropical and subtropical climatic conditions especially India. Apart from some important equine diseases which are not present in India, most of the diseases addressed in the book are based on authors’ experience as clinician. As equine veterinary practitioner, we felt the paucity of a book on equine practice written in Indian perspective. Apart from health issues of equines, important information regarding management, breeding, nutrition, and pharmacology have also been incorporated in the book.

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About the authors

A.P. Singh

Dr. Ajai Pal Singh was born in 1933 in the village Paharipur, Jankhat, District Farrukhabad, U.P. He completed his high school and Intermediate from D.N. College Tirwa Farrukhabad, He graduated in Science from Allahabad University. He took his M.A. Degree in Ancient History from Vikram University, Ujjain and completed his post graduate diploma in Museology from Bhopal University, Bhopal. He was awarded Ph.D degree from Bhopal University. Besides the books "Conservation and Museum Techniques' "Fort and Fortification of India" "Defensive art of India" "Monuments of Orchha" and "Monuments of Mandu" Dr. Singh has contributed a good number of research papers to various reputed journals.


Yashpal, graduated in Hindi Literature and education from Jamia Milia Islamia University Delhi. He began his journalistic career with a leading newspaper in New Delhi, moving on to the reputed magazine at Delhi. For the past ten years, he has been writing on a wide range of subjects. The focus of his interest howevery is education.

Sanjay Kumar

Dr. Sanjay Kumar (b. 1963) passed his M.A. in Economics in first division from Magadh University in 1984. He was awarded Ph.D. degree in Economics by the Banaras Hindu University in 1990. A keen researcher, Dr. Kumar has several papers, published in National Journals and Dailies to his credit. His areas of interest are Indian economic problems and industrial economics.

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Bibliographic information

Title Handbook of Equine Practitioner
Format Hardcover
Date published: 10.10.2017
Edition 1st. ed.
Language: English
isbn 9386110661, 9789386110664