Yoga: Theory and Practice
Yoga: Theory and Practice is a sterling contribution of Dr. H. Kumar Kaul, a noted academician and writer to the study of Yoga. This work represents original research and breaks new ground in the field of Yoga practices in Punjab. This is the first scientific and authentic analysis and exposition of practice of Yoga in this State. This doctoral thesis, accepted by Punjabi University, Patiala, goes into theory and practice in a highly critical and scholarly manner. It is difficult if not impossible, to present all the essential aspects of Yoga, its practice by athas, Siddhas, Yogis and Sufis of Punjab, Sikh Gurus and in Akharas and Yogashrams in such a volume. But the learned author deserves the attention of luminaries of Yoga and felicitations of curious readers of the discipline for accomplishing this difficult task in a facile manner.
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