Casting the Evil Eye: Witch Trials in Tribal India
Deep in Eastern India beats a heart of darkness. It is a secret heart, entangled in the shadows of superstitions and medieval beliefs, a heart nearly beyond help and struggling for light. Casting the Evil Eye takes a hard look into this remote, tribal belt of India and steps into a murky world: of witch doctors and witch hunters, of spells and counter-spells, of poverty and rank material greed, of death and devilry, of oppression and ostracism—ultimately, of humanity against itself. Casting the Evil Eye courageously documents the societal evil of witch-hunts and witch-trials and speaks passionately about this man-made evil that stalks the destitute and the deprived. It is a social document in the form of a book, a telling commentary on the fractures that split and hurt Indian society, a case history of those victimized brutally on the margins and left behind in the march towards modernization.
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