Classical Compendium of Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Science
Classical compendium of Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Science (Sarangdhara Samhita) caters to all the basics of pharmaceutics. Innumerable number of ayurvedic pharmaceutical companies that are functional all over the world, truly depend on this book for the basics of ayurveda medicine preparation. The books of 'AFI' (Ayurvedic Formulary of India) largely borrow the information from this great book. Thus, it is the sole systematized referral book for Ayurveda pharmaceutics till date.
The present book has three sections Le. Purvakhand, Madhyamkhand and Uttarkhand. Purvakhand focuses on all the basics of pharmaceutics while Madhyamkhand widely deals with the knowledge of Ayurveda pharmaceutics (preparation of different dosage forms) and Uttarkhand meticulously reveals all the 'Pancakarma therapies' and its formulations.
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A Text Book of Bhaisajya Kalpana Vijnana: Pharmaceutical Science
Vaidyaka Paribhasa Pradipa: With 'Transcendence' Descriptive English Commentary: The Captivating Magic of Classical Ayurvedic Terminologies
A Text Book of Rasasastra: Iatro-Chemistry and Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics
Rasa Tarangini of Sri Sadananda Sarma
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