Applied Ethics: Some Dimensions
Applied ethics is a field of ethics that deals with ethical questions specific to a professional, disciplinary, or practical field. There is ample literature available on ethics but there is scarcity of literature as how to apply the principles of ethics in solving the problems of contemporary world. The main objective of the book is how to apply principles and theories of ethics in day-to-day life in our ordinary business of life. There are numerous dimensions of ethics but it is not possible to discuss all of them. Some important subsets of applied ethics are discussed in the book.
First, what are the principles of ethics and how ethics is associated with religion, law, science and technology? Second, the present world is facing grave issues such as climate change, population explosion, Corruption and violence, globalisation problems etc. How these issues can be resolved ethically. Third, all the countries of the world are engaged in rapid economic development of their economies. How this can be done ethically.
The main aim behind this book is that the Individuals, Societies, Corporations, Countries and the entire world should be run on ethical lines. This alone will endure happiness and well-being of all.
Contents: 1. Introduction. I. Applied Ethics and Related Issues. 2. Ethics in theory and practice. 3. Applied ethics. 4. Ethical theories: traditional and emerging. 5. Religion and morality. II. Ethics and Values. 6. Ethics, social values and happiness. 7. Virtue ethics and religious traditions to enforce principles of ethics into practice. 8. Ethics, religion, science and technology. III. Bioethics. 9. Bioethics: meaning and concept. 10. Law, ethics and bio-ethics. 11. Veterinary and animal ethics. IV. Economics and Business Ethics. 12. Economics and ethics. 13. Marketing ethics. 14. Business ethics: concept and definitions. 15. Ethics in finance and accounting. 16. Global ethics and globalization. 17. Economic development and ethics: Indian experience since independence. V. Agricultural Ethics. 18. Agricultural ethics: principles and scope. 19. Ethical foundations of organic farming. VI. Ethical Governance. 20. governance and ethics. 21. Ethical governance and how to ensure it. 22. Ethics of corporate social responsibility: concept and Indian initiatives. VII. Ethics of Justice and Law. 23. Ethics and principles of justice. 24. Ethics of legal system in India. VIII. Climate Ethics. 25. Climate ethics. 26. Ethics of green production, green consumption and green marketing. IX. Some Social Issues. 27. Ethical issues in the social sciences. 28. Contemporary concerns in medical ethics in India. 29. Research ethics in education. 30. The values of library and information science. 31. Population ethics. 32. Profession and professional ethics. 33. Organisational Ethics. Index.
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