Perception of Women Towards Life and Work
"A deep concern about the rights and status of women and the progress of the nation which is integrally linked with advancement of women have underpinned the Indian political thinking. However it is necessary to transform the de-jure equality guaranteed by India's constitution and legal edifice into de-facto equality. The long and lengthy procedures involved in the welfare schemes for women combined with centuries of social conditioning regarding the secondary status of women makes it difficult for women even today to break the ice of the traditional roles she plays no matter how educated she is, or what income she draws. Hence the present study is concerned with understanding in depth about the problem and conflicts, which the educated working women are facing today in their transition from a dependent existence to an independent one. A study of 100 Educated Working women was undertaken to transpire the picture on their problems in various professions of the organized sector. Designed for researchers, policy makers, activists, social thinkers & social workers, students in particular and society at large this book attempts to provide a framework for future research and offers recommendations and suggestions to improve the conditions of working women. In the light of such ferment this book represents a systematic and welcome attempt to define the issues of educated working women in the organised sector.
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