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Communal Harmony in Kashmiri Literature

Roop Krishen Bhat (Author)

Communal Harmony in Kashmiri Literature describes distinct characteristics of communal harmony in Kashmiri literature starting from the compositions of legendary spiritual poetess Lal Ded to the contemporary poets and prose writers. The book is divided in various chapters focusing on language landscaping, national cultural heritage, mystic poets, Sufi poets, modern poetry and prose, and literature after 1990. In the history of Kashmiri literature, spread over more than seven hundred years, a concern and passion of love for humanity is very prominent. Poets have sung songs of communal harmony, and love for humanity. We have Muslim poets singing Bhakti songs and Hindu poets swearing by Sufism. The author has studied and evaluated the communal harmony in Kashmiri literature reflected in the writings of authors belonging to two communities.

The chapter on post-1990 literature marks a new trend in Kashmiri literature. Although the dominant theme of the literature of this period has been the sufferings, nostalgia, uncertain future, pangs of separation, etc., but the undercurrent of such writings remains the love for humanity and Kashmir as motherland.

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Bibliographic information

Title Communal Harmony in Kashmiri Literature
Format Hardcover
Date published: 05.03.2018
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Authorspress
Language: English
isbn 9789387281417
length 192p.