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V. Subrahmanya Sastri (Author)

The Present work Shatpanchasika in an important work for the learning of Prasna sastra, one of the branches of Jyotisha. The Author Prithuyasas the son of Varahamihira has condensed in 50 slokas several aspects of query, the prasna sastra, one is prompted to study every sloka. The subjects covered in the seven chapters are General Principles, Travelling and returning, success and defeat, auspicious and inauspicious symptoms, queries about one abroad, recovery of the lost, and miscellaneous topics. The book contains the Sanskrit text of the Shatpanchasika with the meaning of the sloka in English and commentary. The highlight of the book is detailed commentary on drekkana swaroopa to ascertain the character, direction, and details of the recovery of the lost materials and other aspects.

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Bibliographic information

Title Shatpanchasika
Format Softcover
Date published: 31.12.2017
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher CBH Publications
Language: English
isbn 9789383811359
length 60p.