Textbook of Kinesiology
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Contents: Section I: Introduction and Fundamentals. 1. Introduction to Kinesiology. 2. Anatomical and Physiological Fundamentals of Human Motion. 3. Basic Biomechanical Concepts. Section II: Kinesiology of Body Regions. 4. Shoulder Girdle. 5. Shoulder. 6. Elbow and Radioulnar Joints. 7. Wrist and Hand. 8. Pelvic Girdle. 9. Hip. 10. Knee. 11. Ankle and Foot. 12. Spine. Section III: Motor Skills: Principles and Applications. 13. Posture. 14. Locomotion. 15. Application of Kinesiology to Selected Daily Life Activities and Sports Skills. 16. Prevention of Sports Injuries: The Mechanical and Kinesiological Viewpoint. Bibliography. Glossary. Index.
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