Buffalo: Production System for Milk, Meat (Buffen) and Employment
The present book on buffalo production contains some important aspects not yet covered in many other books. The chapter on buffalo meat production contains two new term buffen and buffeal for buffalo meat and buffalo veal respectively. Use of these two terminologies for the buffalo carcass will remove confusion for beef and veal not accepted by greater number of people. The chapter on employment around buffaloes provides vast subjects of employment for the people from rural to urban areas. Chapter on milk and milk products provides informations on variety of milk products and their nutritional importance. So For buffalo production was limited to organized farm system but in this book attempt has been made to record the area limited production systems practiced in different parts of the Bhartiya sub continent. The contains seven chapters, viz. introduction followed by buffalo production system, mammary gland and lactation, milk and milk products, meat and meat products, by product of buffalo production and their utilization and employment around buffaloes. It will serve as a text book for the graduates of animal husbandry. Veterinary science and dairying and reference book for the research scholars buffalo production, dairying and livestock products technology.
Contents: Preface. 1. Introduction. 2. Buffalo production system. 3. Mammary gland and lactation. 4. Buffalo milk and milk products. 5. Buffalo meat (Buffen) and meat products. 6. Valuable by-products of buffalo production and their utilization. 7. Employment around buffaloes. 8. Subject index.
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