Basic and Molecular Genetics
The present book is covered in 3 parts comprising 27 chapters. The first part covers “Mendelian or classical genetics” in 11 chapters dealing with introduction to genetics, sources of genetic variation, heredity and environment, Mendelism, Chromosomal theory of inheritance, Exceptions to Mendelism [Multiple alleles, gene expression (action) on phenotypic level, Linkage of genes and crossing over], Sex determination and sex controlled inheritance. The second part covers “Molecular genetics” in 14 chapters which includes genetics, genetic material (DNA) and its molecular structure, changes in its structure (mutation), and replication of DNA; Gene expression at molecular level (transcription and translation), Regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, Gene manipulation techniques and applications. The last part covers “Genetic Statistics” which includes 2 chapters on the probability and Chi-square testing of discrete variable.
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Bibliographic information
Archana T. Tomar
Sukhvir Singh Tomar