Cultures, Identities, Multiculturalism and Beyond
Even when the entire world has been increasingly shrinking into a global village, particularly since the start of the new millennium and the people of different cultures and races encountering each other by all means of channels and communications, the border lines of cultural identities seem to be assuming harder and rigid forms. In a world of multicultural contexts, international collaborations and multilateral political negotiations, the reality presents a paradox of sorts, raising newer challenges and requiring mutual understandings for the peaceful co-existence of human society. Such a situation demands a deeper knowledge about our cultural neighbours and a greater appreciation of the cultural specificities of each other.
The present volume is a small effort in this direction in capturing the cultural contours of different societies, and identifying the challenges of the contemporary and multicultural society for developing appropriate responses.
As reflected in the title of the volume, the papers presented here highlight and discuss the different dimensions and aspects of culture and cultural identities of both the indigenous and the mainstream societies, and also look into the issues of change and continuity, multiculturalism, adaptation, integration and beyond.
Almost all the papers are field-based, from different parts of India as well as from outside India, reflecting the ground realities.
It is hoped that this publication would definitely contribute in enriching the anthropological knowledge and perspective and its current relevance, in the service of humankind.
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Anthropology and the Future of Humankind
On Sustainable Development: Praxis and Perspectives
Understanding Tribal Religion
Folk Culture and Oral Literature from North-East India
Perspectives on Northeast India: Tradition and Modernity in Arunachal Pradesh
Fieldwork in South Asia: Memories, Moments, and Experiences
Bibliographic information
Sarit K. Chaudhuri