Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Punjabi Literature (In 2 Volumes)
This “Encyclopaeadic Dictionary of Punjabi Literature†in two volumes is a pioneering attempt to cover an in-depth study of 167 Punjabi literati and 395 prominent literary works from the earliest period to contemporary writings. For including the entries in this encyclopeadia, some basic principles have been kept in mind, i.e., those who gave new dimensions in literary thought and writings. We believe that none of the prominent literary personality and literary works had been missing form this work. This monumental work is compiled, edited and arranged in alphabetical order. The task which we have performed here is, no doubt, beset with difficulties but we shall consider our labour amply rewarded if this Encyclopaedic Dictionary is found useful by scholars interested in Punjabi literature, Sikh religion, philosophy and history.
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R.P. Malhotra