Critical Essays on Canadian Literature
Critical Essays on Canadian Literature is humble attempt to present Indian critical responses to Canadian Poetry, Fiction, Short story and Drama. The Contributors are from various Universities. They have enriched this book with their research findings. Canadian Poets like Dorothy Livesay, A.J.M. Smith, Uma Parameswaran and Himani Bannerji have been taken for analysis by five Canadianists. Canadian Novelists like Margaret Atwood, Rohinton Mistry Michael Ondaatje, J.C. Armstrong, Ruby Slipperjack and Beth Brant have been researched by five Canadianists. Recent trends in Canadian Studies is also dealt with. Canadian short story writer Alice Munro is compared with a Tamil writer Ambai. Short Story Criticism has also been dealth with Canadian Dramatists like Davin, Uma Parameswaran, George Ryga, Robertson Davies, and Tomson Highway are taken for research by eight Canadianists. The twenty-one critical essays highlight different aspects of Canadian living in a simple and understandable style which is a boon to the student, researchers and teachers of Canadian Literature.
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