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Fundamentals of Agronomy

R.L. Arya (Author)

Contents: 1. Agriculture. 2. Types of agriculture. 3. Conservation agriculture. 4. Globalisation. 5. Nanotechnology in agriculture. 6. Agronomy. 7. Agro-ecological regions of India. 8. Agroclimatic zones in India. 9. Seed and sowing. 10. Classification of crops. 11. Crop rotation. 12. Cropping systems. 13. Shifting cultivation. 14. Multistoryed cropping. 15. Diversified cropping. 16. Precisioon farming. 17. Irrigation. 18. Devices used for measuring irrigation water. 19. Soil moisture constant. 20. Water requirement of crops. 21. Efficient water management. 22. Irrigation efficiencies. 23. Evaporation. 24. Weeds. 25. Classification of weeds. 26. Weed control. 27. Application of herbicides. 28. Calculation of herbicide requirement. 29. Important formulas of agronomy. 30. Problems related to agronomical character. 31. Assessment of agronomic interactions. 32. Physiological parameters. 33. Dryland farming. 34. Drought. 35. Water harvesting. 36. Mulching. 37. Antitranspirants. 38. Strip cropping. 39. Tillage. 40. Watershed management. 41. Low production technologies. 42. Agronomic practices of field crops. 43. Cultivation practices of different crops. 44. Agroforestry.

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Bibliographic information

Title Fundamentals of Agronomy
Author R.L. Arya
Format Softcover
Date published: 27.08.2018
Edition 1st. ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789387741225
length 200p.