Sustainable Animal Production
Animal and Plant scientists have generated important technologies relating to different aspects of forage and animal production systems. IN the present-day scenario of animal agriculture, where animal production is dependent on available land resources, it was imperative to compile details of the relevant technologies at one place so that farmers, students and extension workers could apply them and derive full benefit. Sustainable Animal Production is the result of this long-felt need and comprises chapters on the livestock and feed situation, grazing resources, grassland and pasture management systems in different agro-climatic conditions, intensive fodder production and pasture production from degraded land, problematic soils and watersheds. There are also chapters on forage conservation, improvement of low-grade roughages and utilization of non-conventional feed resources. In view of the prevailing drought of several continuous years in the country, a chapter on nutrition of animals during drought has been specially included. Besides, there are chapters on anti-nutritional factors in top feeds and gastrointestinal nematodiasis. Thus, it is evident that the book is comprehensive and every effort has been made to include the latest state-of-the-art technologies and practices. It will surely be of immense help to all those involved in animal production and forage systems.
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Bibliographic information
R C Jakhmola