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Rural Journalism

S K Mittal (Author)

The present book “Rural Journalism provides an insight of the miserable condition of the rural journalism. People living in the rural areas play a vital role in the national development but they are facing the feelings of deprivation and isolation. The local and regional media are passing through a great crisis while the rural journalists and correspondents are neither facilitated by the government nor supported by their media organizations. This book deals with the working condition of rural journalists working nation-wide in the nooks and corners of the country. It was found that the national mainstream media do not give proper coverage to the issues and problems of the rural areas. The urban based mainstream newspapers and television channels give coverage to urban issues because of the market trend and the financial priorities. It may lead to the phenomenon of communication imbalance and the feelings of deprivation among the rural communities. It has been recommended that the media organizations should eradicate the division of rural and urban and they should give a reasonable coverage to the issues and problems of the rural communities.

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Bibliographic information

Title Rural Journalism
Author S K Mittal
Format Hardcover
Date published: 13.09.2018
Edition 1st. ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788182209992
length vi+146p., 23cm.