Cell Biology: Viruses, Monera and Genetics
Cytology deals with the structure of the cell and its components with hardly any emphasis about their functions. In fact cell biology incorporates the structural details as well as the functional roles of the cellular components. The study requires a good knowledge of tools and techniques which are employed to find out the complications of the subject. This book, therefore, devotes a separate chapter each on microscopy and techniques like X-ray Crystallography, autoradiography, spectrophotometry, electrophoresis etc. The various models given by scientists to explain the structure and function of the cell membranes have been included along with many illustrations. The chapters on enzymes, chloroplast, mitochondria give an insight into the biochemical reactions operating in them. The process of all important gluconeogenesis explains the conversion of fats and protein into carbohydrates for the purpose of respiratory process. No book on cell biology will be complete without mentioning the roles of viruses and microbes. Similarly, the roles of DNA, RNA and protein synthesis are quite pertinent for better understanding of cell biology. No metabolic activity can occur without the participation of enzymes. No-enzyme will be functional without the proteins and protein without DNA and RNAs. The book also deals with the modern and upcoming branch of genetic engineering as everything revolves around the cell.
Contents: Preface 1. Cell Biology: An Introduction. 2. Origin of Life. 3. Tools and Techniques. 4. The Cell and its Structures. 5. Cell Wall. 6. The Cell Membrane. 7. Endoplasmic Reticulum. 8. Golgi Apparatus. 9. Ribosomes. 10. Chloroplast. 11. Mitochondrion. 12. The Nucleus. 13. Microbodies. 14. Enzyme. 15. Centrioles, Cilia and Flagella. 16. Viruses. 17. Monera. 18. Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance. 19. Linkage, Crossing Over and Sex-Determination. 20. Structure Function and Regulation of Genetic Material. 21. Mutation and Human Genetics. 22. Genetic Engineering. Index.
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