The Economic History of India, 1857-1947
This work is one of the few detailed and updated textbooks on the economic history of colonial India. It approaches the subject along the same lines as the Cambridge Economic History of India, but is a much more condensed and compact version aimed at students. The volume captures new research on old themes as well as the emergence of new themes such as common property, small-scale industry, and the environment. From the myriad facets of economic history, topics relevant to the undergraduate student have been carefully chosen. These include specific aspects of the Indian economy such as: Population, Occupational structure, Agrarian relations, Industry, Plantations and mines, Banking, Macroeconomy. These topics are examined against the colonial backdrop. A coherent narrative brings together these diverse elements to present a comprehensive picture of the colonial economy in full colour. The author shows how history explains the roots of economic growth and stagnation in South Asia. New research included here enhances the level and complexity of the debates on the role of the past in shaping the future. A distinctive feature of the book is the comprehensive annotated bibliography highlighting essential and optional references at the end of each chapter. An invaluable resource for undergraduate students, the book will also prove to be a handy reference for teachers and researchers in economics and history.
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