Bridging East & West: Rabindranath Tagore and Romain Rolland Correspondence (1919-1940)
Dating from 1919 to 1940, these letters and telegrams are being published for the first time in English in their entirety. They manage to capture the essence of Tagore and Rolland’s friendship in their struggle with the conflict between nationalism and human conscience. This volume also presents three important conversations the two engaged in at various points in time, as well as letters by Rabindranath Tagore and others, and lays out the journey of these two writers towards the imaging of a different world outside jingoistic politics. This correspondence presents the finest exchange of thought between the East and the West, and scripts the intellectual history of early twentieth century.
Contents: Introduction. 1. Correspondence of Tagore and Rolland. 2. Conversations between Rolland and Tagore. Appendices. Bibliography. Index.
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