Advaita Philosophy of Sri Adhi Sankara
It is an interesting study of human conscience frame-word enshrined to life in Paramatma, down to its matter bound system in the earthly passage.
"Advaita" implies self consummation with the divine over the enshrined moments of spiritual transcendence with intellectual perceptions of day-conscience. So much is "Thuriya Atheetham" conscience step up in "Sarvam Brahma Mayam" recognition.
Sri Vidya generates to that conscience of deep indwell to "Deha Pragya" that spiritual transcendence bear resulting from "Deva Aradhana Mahatyam" – Self guidance in Paramatma emerges thereto whilst to intense moments of thought free silence, edging the core waves of phenomenal. All the 4 research works in Amaakavi emerge, that way, more to "Deva Kripa" than to self help in him. That generating conscience is the "Quest Genius" to Brahma Vichara, as in Vedas and Upanishads bound. It is in Amarakavi to pervade into cosmic intelligence cover of "Swayambhu Deha" resting to "Anaathi Poorvakam" in Brahman. Conscience plough-back to it is termed "Sthitha Pragya" where conscience is, in itself, the communicative intelligence guiding the aspirant To know Himself in all its dimensions. Intellectural genius, whatever his eminence, could never discover beyond the Sthula aspect of it. It is not until one breathes to LIFE silencing thought to the core of the Phenomenal. "Kevala Kumbakam" is that mark over breath control methods. Amarakavi's sadhana is thus safe of the two. It is the end value of Tapas, in all ages.
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