Indian Decorative Designs
Love of decoration is proverbial in our vast country. It is so deeply embedded in Indian psyche that it found expression in everything. Since hoary antiquity, we Indians have been decorating our bodies, our garments, our homes, our ritualistic and utilitarian objects. This love for ornamentation to evolve such a bafflingly rich repertoire of decorative designs. Designs drawn from life and Nature around them. Simple foliage and flowers, birds and animals have been used so imaginatively that one cannot help admiring their creators. And this is applicable to each and every craft object - from the least insignificant, small container to the sumptuously ornate large surface of temples, mosques, royal palaces and countless monuments. The aim of the present book is to draw the book lovers attention to the mind-boggling variety of Indian ornamental devices through the centuries. A comprehensive book with over 300 centuries-old designs of jewellery, ornaments, toys, architecture, painting, embroidery and many more for artists of all ages, architects and interior and fashion designers.
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