Pathyapathya Vinirnayah: A Decisivie Anthology on Therapeutic Dietetics: A Descriptive Directory on Diets Directions and Drugs for Wholistic Health Mangement
Pathya Viniranyah is an unique treatise on concept of Pathya (Conductive and wholesome to human being) as well as Apathya (Non –conductive and unwholesome to human being). It is written by Sri Viswanatha Kaviraja and consists of 560 verses written in sanskrit language. Pathyapathya Viniranyah (A decisive anthology on therapeutic dietetics) is a descriptive directory on diets (Ahara), directions (Vihara), drugs (Asudha) and spiritually (Acara) for whole and holistic health and disease management. For 76 disease Pathya –Apathya are given starting from Jwara to Kaphaja roga. 10 steps of literary research vis, simplicity, clarification, nearest translation, description, nearest co relation, Interception, critical analysis, systematic arrangement, acceptance, as well as clarification of ambiguity and incorporation of current concept are followed in the present text. The honest efforts of contributions will be fruited only if the concepts of the text are applied for the needy.
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