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Explanation in Geography

David Harvey (Author)
Synopsis Explanation in Geography, the first book by David Harvey, is still the major text used on scientific methodology in geography. It is about the ways in which geographical understanding and knowledge can be acquired and the standards of rational argument and interference that are necessary to ensure that this process is reasonable. The author has sought to show that we can formulate criteria to huge whether or not an argument is sound, a technique properly used, or an explanation reasonable. The book also provides a series of spring-boards for future methodological analysis and some rough and ready guidelines for the conduct of empirical research in geography. Geographers, who can obtain from reading this book only a small fraction of understanding and insight, will be benefited materially.
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About the author

David Harvey

David Harvey is a leading theorist in the field of urban studies and “one of the most influential geographers of the later 20th century,” according to Library Journal. His reflections on the importance of space and place (and more recently nature’) have attracted considerable attention across the humanities and social sciences. Among Harvey’s highly influential books are Social Justice and the City (1973); Limits to Capital (1982); The Urbanization of Capital (1985); The Condition of Postmodernity (1989); Justice, Nature, and the Geography of Different (1996); Spaces of Hope (2000); and Spaces of Capital: Towards a Critical Geography (2001). Harvey was formerly a Professor at Johns Hopkins, a Miliband at the London School of Economics, and Halford Mackinder Professor of Geography at Oxford University. Currently, he is Graduate Faculty member at The City University of New York.

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Bibliographic information

Title Explanation in Geography
Author David Harvey
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2003
Edition Reprint
Publisher Rawat Publications
Language: English
isbn 8170337852
length xx+521p., Figures; Reference; Index; 23cm