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Legal Language Legal Writing & General English

B.M. Gandhi (Author)

B.M. Gandhi's Legal Language, Legal Writing & General English is designed as a basic text for law students. Not only does it fulfill the requirements of the legal language and writing courses but also initiates the student to the study of law and the legal profession. It is also invaluable for law school entrance examinations.

The book focuses on areas such as legal vocabulary, word formation, grammar, legal writing, drafting and communication. Necessary for legal writing, it discusses how to organise ideas, create and refine prose, and improve editing skills. Other than serving as a text for law students, the book is also invaluable as a reference work. It lists legal words and meanings, Latin phrases, synonyms and antonyms, words often confused, rules of punctuation and grammar, case comment and article writing examples, drafts of legal documents and leading cases in the Law of Tort and Contract. The book also gives lists of necessary addresses, government posts and departments, law report citations and provisions of some important Acts, quotable quotes and sample question papers.

Written for law students this book will be useful to anyone grappling with the basics of legal language or the peculiarities of the profession. It is also a valuable refresher text for more advanced students, and for practitioners.

Contents: Preface. 1. Legal Language. 2. Some Suggestions to young and Aspiring Lawyers. 3. Word formation or word Building. 4. Aids to Vocabulary. 5. Communication Skills and Methods of Acquisition. 6. Legal Writing. 7. How to Write a case comment. 8. How to write a Law Review Article: some practical Tips. 9. Legal Drafting. 10. Legal Terminology. 11. Legal Maxims and Phrases. 12. Leading cases in Tort, Crimes and Contract. 13. General and Basic Information Appendices. Subject Index.

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Bibliographic information

Title Legal Language Legal Writing & General English
Author B.M. Gandhi
Format Hardcover
Date published: 08.03.2019
Edition Reprint.
Language: English
isbn 9789388206334
length 552p.