Rapid Review of Toxicology
The book includes the entire toxicology syllabus as prescribed by the Medical Council of India for the 2nd year MBBS students during their learning of forensic medicine and toxicology, and also the latest topics of interest to the postgraduate medical students. The entire text is presented in a question-and-answer format with descriptions in bullets points, supplemented with good numbers of tables and flowcharts for easy understanding and memorization. The book is flooded with easy-to-remember mnemonics and summary of important points for easy recall and quick revision. In addition, commonly asked questions in theory and practical examinations and viva voce are included along with spotters for easy scoring in examinations.
Contents: 1. Introduction. 2. Statutes in Relation to Drugs and Poisons in India. 3. General Principles of Toxicology. 4. Medicolegal Duties of Doctor in an Alleged Case of Poisoning. 5. Corrosives. 6. Irritants: Nonmetallic Irritant Poisons (Phosphorus). 7. Irritants: Metallic Poisons. 8. Irritants (Organic): Plant Poisons. 9. Irritants (Organic): Animal Bites and Envenomation. 10. Neurotoxics: Somniferous Agents. 11. Neurotoxics: Inebriants. 12. Neurotoxics: Deliriants. 13. Neurotoxics: Psychotropics and Designer Drugs. 14. Neurotoxics: Spinal Poisons. 15. Cardiac Poisons. 16. Asphyxiants: Respiratory Poisons. 17. Warfare Agents. 18. Agrochemicals. 19. Drug Dependence and Drug Abuse. 20. Food Poisoning. 21. Common Household Poisons. 22. Poison Information Center. 23. Problem Based Questions. 24. Quick Facts: Time to Revise Important Points. 25. Examination Time: Very Commonly Asked Questions. 26. Appliances and Spotters in Practical Examinations. Index.
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