Jnana Yoga: Method and Attainment
The method of understanding the process of jnano yoga has to be understood properly. Is jnona only questioning? No. It is enlarging the scope of perception. It is not enquiry. It is like working with an adjustable torchlight. You con twist its head to bring the light to a narrow point or enlarge its perimeter.
The Yogadrishti (Yogavision) series of satsangs consists of discourses given by Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati in Munger as part of the new phase of sannyasa life that he has embarked upon since 2009.
Juana yoga was the theme of the satsangs which Swamiji gave in May 2011 at Gangs Darshan Vishwa Yogapeeth. Providing a fresh, new perspective on the classical components of jnana yoga, Swamiji renders this complicated subject accessible. He oath eat the step-by-step training necessary to attain the aims of jnana yoga and describes how the profound statements of the Vedas, the mahavakyas, unfold naturally in the process. The discourses shine with spiritual inspiration and practical guidance in the method of applying intelligence and developing true wisdom in life.
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